Bow to the crown

Wilson Sophia 3 Floorstanding Speakers

It takes all of about one second for all three of the TMR testers to recognize royalty in our midst.

At second two, test stations are abandoned and by second three, there’s a circle around these titanium grey (we also have them in black) Wilson Sophia 3 speakers, and we’re all marveling at the sound.

And this rarified level of sonic resolution is remarkable when you look at these beauties. It’s not always the case that form matches up with the technical and scientific merits of high-functioning speakers.

Like my Master & Dynamic MH40 headphones, these have the looks and the sound.

I know what to feed precision audio tools like this, so I fired up Jacob Szekely Trio’s eponymous debut album on Tidal. And the jaws, they were dropped.

Even powered from a PS Audio Stellar S300, the Sophia 3s are straight jaw-removers. On the Trio’s “Diana’s Lullaby,” TMR sales rep Nick had to remark on the mid bass that seemed to jump off of these speakers, making Jacob’s cello string plucks so realistic and juicy, you’d think he was here in Broomfield with us.

Much has been written about Wilson speakers, and Sophia 3s in particular, and everything positive said is 100% true. Give your system an extra 50 points on the scorecard when you add these to the mix. Like Peyton Manning, they seem to make everything around them better. They deserve the highest Gearhead recommendation.


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