Is it on?

Jeff Rowland Model 8 Stereo Power Amplifier

When you turn a mega-sized amplifier on, you expect to hear or feel something. Relays clicking, house lights dimming, maybe a tiny thump through the monkey coffins*.

But see, that’s what I would expect from most mega amps out there. In the case of the Rowland Model 8 I’m listening to right now, when I didn’t hear any of that, I had a brief moment of anxiety thinking that something was either wrong with my power, or this amp.

The huge, shimmering amp takes up more space than four of my speakers piled together. It’s got a 20-amp input, with massive breaker switches for each channel. When I connected it and flipped each breaker, I heard nothing. Saw nothing.

I punched the button on the front… still nothing, although the button lit up immediately. Hmm…

Before getting too verklempt, I pressed play in Roon. Something over my right shoulder immediately made me turn my head. Who is hitting a percussion triangle back there in the photo area?

Oh no, my friend. That’s the mystery and magic of Jeff Rowland amplification that was toying with me.

This is one of those ultra rare examples where what is delivered is the most that it could possibly be. The sound is out of this world — unbelievably dynamite. And clearly the brain trust over at Rowland cut no corners in its development.

Meticulous mute circuitry and a mega low noise level combined with the epic sound quality and build heft have me thinking this amp is mega deserving of the title “higher-fi.”

To say my expectations for big power amps were altered just now is a mega understatement.

* A.K.A. speakers


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